Ukrainian Prospects in the Space of European Agro-food Trade Based on Quantitative Economic Analysis

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Anatolii Dibrova
Larysa Dibrova
Oksana Ryabchenko
Oleksandr Zhemoyda

The continuing process of global integration bears implications for the formation of food markets in the global and regional levels. According to the latest estimates, Ukraine is able to feed more than 200 million people currently. But this production should be effective not only from the standpoint of food security but also from a Growth position. Formation of trade policy is the most important way to achieve this one. This paper assessed the current state of the European trade ties of internal agro-food market based on Trade Density Econometric Models. We provide in this paper a comparative evaluation of alternative approaches to possible development scenario for Ukrainian agricultural market based on the European experience. The research includes theoretical modelling foundations, datasets employed and analytical comparison of previous studies. The results can be used to determine government agricultural policies and large agricultural companies.

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Jak cytować
Dibrova, A., Dibrova, L., Ryabchenko, O., & Zhemoyda, O. (2014). Ukrainian Prospects in the Space of European Agro-food Trade Based on Quantitative Economic Analysis. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 14(4), 57–71.

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