Numbers and spatial distribution of payments granting decisions within the Common Agricultural Policy measures implemented in Poland over years 2002-2010

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Roman Rudnicki

The article offers an assessment of spatial differences in the structure of payment granting decisions under the EU Common Agricultural Policy. The analysis was conducted for individual EU assistance measures divided into two groups: 1) intensifying measures, intended to step up production and improve the competitiveness of agriculture and 2) extensifying measures, intended to improve the environment and to help rural areas to diversify into non-agricultural activities. It was demonstrated that payments of group 2 prevailed in numerical terms, which was largely a result of the high participation of agricultural holdings in the agri-environmental programm

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Jak cytować
Rudnicki, R. (2011). Numbers and spatial distribution of payments granting decisions within the Common Agricultural Policy measures implemented in Poland over years 2002-2010. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 11(3), 126–136.

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