Rural Tourism as a Factor Stimulating the Development of Border Areas – The Case of Lubelskie Voivodeship

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Urszula Bronisz
Andrzej Jakubowski

This article aims to evaluate the level of tourism potential for the communities located in the eastern border region of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Poland. The analysis was based on a three-factor model consisting of separate interrelated components of tourism potential i.e. tourist attractiveness, tourist function and tourist traffic. Using a multidimensional comparative analysis, a Tourist Attractiveness Index, Tourist Function Index and Tourist Traffic Index were composed. This enabled to identify the territorial units for which rural tourism can become a real factor stimulating socio-economic development. It appears that rural tourism can be perceived as a chance for improving the local economy for the areas located in the northern part of the borderland, whereas for communities situated in the southern part, it is not a significant issue.

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Jak cytować
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