Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria

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Olanike Deji
Solomon Adesoji
Banji Adisa
Abiodun Agboola
Adedayo Ajayi
Dorcas Alabi
Julius Ayinde
Olajide Filusi
Toyin Ojo
Oladimeji Oladele
Aanuoluwapo Opayinka

This paper described and contextualized participatory development of demand-driven curriculum for career-ready e-extension services in Nigeria as introduced by the Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education. The stages of participatory development were participatory need assessment, participatory stakeholders’ workshop and validation among 124 stakeholders selected as key informants in relation to agricultural extension training, delivery, end users and policy makers. The stakeholders were grouped as follows: community leaders and policy makers; extension agencies / organisations / institutions / employers; farmers; input suppliers / marketers / agro-based traders / other value actors; and potential candidate groups. Stakeholder meetings were held separately with different groups three times, and then a combined meeting took place. The aggregated major decisions/consensus were subjected to content analysis using ATLAS.ti. The validation process included reading of each agreed decision to all participants, then participants indicated their agreement or otherwise, which led to either rejection or acceptance of the decision. This paper concludes that participatory curriculum development has enhanced the stakeholders to identify areas of demand-driven training in response to community needs. The stakeholders preferred more online than face-to-face training. The major perceived advantages of e-extension were reduced risk, time and cost effectiveness while infrastructural and human challenges were the perceived challenges that could possibly hinder the smooth running of e extension.

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Jak cytować
Deji, O., Adesoji, S., Adisa, B., Agboola, A., Ajayi, A., Alabi, D., … Opayinka, A. (2021). Participatory Development of Demand-Driven Curriculum for Career-Ready E-Extension Services in Nigeria. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 21(3), 14–23.

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