Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union

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Sławomir Jarka
Marzena Trajer

The aim of the work was to present a support mechanism for bee products market implemented after Poland's accession to the European Union, including within the framework of national beekeeping support programs. The elaboration included information contained in legal acts of the European Commission, MRiRW and KOWR. Support for the beekeeping sector in Poland and the EU is related to the policy of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. The amount of funds addressed to individual beneficiaries depends on the size of the sector in a given Member State. Spain, France, Greece, Romania and Italy, and Poland received the highest amounts of support under the EU budget.

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Jak cytować
Jarka, S., & Trajer, M. (2018). Support for the Beekeeping Sector in Poland and the European Union. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 18(4), 183–191.

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