Functioning of “Organics Cluster” in the French National and Regional Market of Organic Food

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Ewa Koreleska
Andrzej Ferenc

The main aim of this study is to identify a model organic food cluster situated on the territory of a selected European Union country and its operation effects. In the first part of the study a selected food market of France is characterized as a reference point of further analyses and studies. The data was obtained from French domestic reports which cover years 2007-2016. Dynamics of changes has been defined as well as the trends characteristic of the analyzed period. The method of least squares has been used. Moreover, a definition and the importance of clusters has been presented on the basis of the literature of that topic. The part of the study includes a description of functioning of a selected French organic food cluster is described and evaluated. The method of case study has been used. It has been found that in 2007-2016 the eco-sector in France has developed significantly. A distinctly rising linear trend in the number of organic farms, ecological companies, ecologically cultivated land, the size of the market and degree of French people's knowledge of organic food labels has been reported for the eco-branch in France. As many as 112 projects have been implemented in the analyzed cluster. Those projects involved innovative and export undertakings which allowed to achieve a competitive advantage on the domestic market and even abroad. Positive effects also include possibility of experience exchange and financial support particularly important for young entrepreneurs.

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Jak cytować
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