Guatemalan Sugar Industry: Diversity and Trends

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Michał Mrozek
Małgorzata Niwicka

The scope of the paper is the presentation of sugar production and foreign trade trends in Guatemala. The following research questions were put forward: What is the diversification of sugar production trends in Guatemala? What is the change, in percent, of foreign trade in Guatemala? The studies that were conducted include documentation, statistical, comparative, and dynamics analysis. The results showed that the Guatemalan sugar industry had different tendencies. As much as 75% of the world’s sugar supply comes from Guatemala. Guatemala produces more sugar than any other nation in the world per acre of sugar cane. The sugar industry is an important sector from the point of view of the labour market. It should be underlined that export depends on quotas. Overall, the number of exports increased.

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Jak cytować
Mrozek, M., & Niwicka, M. (2023). Guatemalan Sugar Industry: Diversity and Trends. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 23(2), 16–24.

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