Competitiveness of chief producers of plant raw materials in intra-EU trade

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Karolina Pawlak

The aim of the paper was to assess the competitive position of the most important producers of plant raw materials in the intra-EU trade in 2004 and 2008. The analysis covered such product groups as cereals, oil seeds, fruit and vegetable. The competitiveness was assessed with the use of a selected set of quantitative measures of international competitive position. Moreover, the shares of the studied countries in the EU trade were assessed as well as the relative intensity of plant raw materials export from each country.

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Jak cytować
Pawlak, K. (2010). Competitiveness of chief producers of plant raw materials in intra-EU trade. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 10(3), 69–78.

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