Support of Eco-innovation Projects in Agriculture: Case of Poland

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Nataliya Horin

The study attempts to investigate Polish practices to support the eco-innovation in agriculture that ensure the sustainable development of the sector. The specificities and barriers to eco-innovative activities of agricultural enterprises were defined. The paper focuses on the analysis of the supporting mechanism of eco-innovation in Polish agriculture both on national and EU’s levels. Using the factor and SWOT analyses, the author determines the effectiveness, opportunities and challenges of Polish support of agri-ecological innovation. The relationships between the eco-innovative indicators and the level of support for farmers are also shown.

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Jak cytować
Horin, N. (2016). Support of Eco-innovation Projects in Agriculture: Case of Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 16(4), 123–130.

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