Agribusiness output and income results in the EU countries

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Aldona Mrówczyńska-Kamińska
Ewa Kiryluk-Dryjska

The objective of the research is to compare the importance of agribusiness in the economies of the EU countries. The results suggest that the agribusiness share in national economy and its internal structure depends on the country’s level of economic development. In the better developed countries the share index value is low, while in the less developed countries it is relatively high. The main condition for changing the situation in Poland is to generate an economic growth

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Jak cytować
Mrówczyńska-Kamińska, A., & Kiryluk-Dryjska, E. (2011). Agribusiness output and income results in the EU countries. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW W Warszawie - Problemy Rolnictwa Światowego, 11(3), 64–72.

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